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Top 5 Healthcare Trends that we can expect for the New Year

Top 5 Healthcare Trends that we can expect for the New Year:

1. Value-based Care

  • With our population, care has always been looked as volume over value when it should be the other way around.  In 2019, we will be pushing for value over volume and for ways to lower costs and to also provide higher quality care for all individuals.
  • Providers should be looking at what is best for the patient rather than an excessive amount of procedures

2. Interoperable Systems

  • The systems will always be changing to keep up with the volume of data, so we have to progress with the change to ensure a stable infrastructure to deliver accurate and caring results.
  • The American Medical Association (AMA) and technology developers developed a manual, Digital Health Implementation, to help physicians and vendors to have a more smooth transition towards health technology.

3. Home Healthcare

  • The health industry has a large labor shortage and by increasing our investments in technology with home health and hospitals, we will be able to decrease that shortage by replacing labor with useful technology.

4. Consumer Centric Patient Engagement

  • This put the consumer at the center of all healthcare activity, instead of the other way round.
  • It enables healthcare organizations to focus on preventive care.  This adds into the Value Base System by proactively engaging with the consumers to supply their data, use the health portals, and access care through applications.  It will be faster, cheaper, easier and will allow the provider to do remote patient access, monitoring, and education.

5. Physician Wellness

  • Did you know 50% of physicians are either depressed or burned out? In 2019, we should be focusing on motivating and supporting our physicians. By doing so, this well help increase care to our consumers.  We are always looking at ways to improve care for our consumers but we need to make sure to pay attention to our providers as well.


What other trends do you predict for 2019?


This article was created by Stephanie Sok, Business Researcher, Global Healthcare IT, Inc. with assistance from the following base line articles: For more on each please click on the link.

Stephanie can be reached on