2018’s Resignations so Far by Becker’s Hospital Review
Becker’s Hospital Review recently disclosed a list of over 50 CEO resignations that have occurred in 2018 alone.
Global Healthcare IT investigated the cause of these resignations and the findings were astonishing.
Of the listed resignations on Becker’s post, only 37% left their position to take on a similar role at a bigger hospital or health system. 27% remained behind closed doors to just the Board of Directors and remained undisclosed to the public; further research on the names listed gave us little intel on what their next career move was as most of the LinkedIn profiles for these former CEOs had no additional updates or were simply taken down. 10% of the resignations were due to a pursuit of other ventures not related to healthcare while 7% openly admitted to wanting to go back to their home state. Among the smaller reasons for other resignations were personal reasons, contracts coming to an end within the health system, and internal organization changes.
Probably the greatest impact to our research was the whopping 11% of voluntary resignations that included pressure from internal staff, pending lawsuits or pending dismissals. Two members voluntary resigned after the Board signed a Motion of No-Confidence and placed the acting CEO on leave of absence while their duties and current role faced an audit.
To view the full list of this year’s resignations thus far, visit Becker’s original post here.
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