New Year, New Jobs!
Happy New Year from Global Healthcare IT, Inc.!
What are your New Year resolutions for 2019?
Something we can keep in mind for 2019 is the job opportunities Epic will offer! Epic Systems software network has now be added: dentists and life insurers. The demand for Epic’s software will be even higher and that means there will be a need of supply for skilled and certified candidates. For the past 8 years, Epic is the #1 supplier for top ranked hospitals and medical schools. They continue to strive and even convert other top hospitals to switch over from their competitor Cerner. Customers find that Epic delivers reliable results and stays under budget.
Tips to Help You Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions:
- Keep Moving Forward
- If you want to achieve what you desire then you need to keep moving forward and planning your future. Do not stay stuck where you are. If you want to reach your goals you have to stop that negative thinking and start believing.
- Try New Things
- Instead of thinking about your New Year’s resolutions, try feeling it. By doing so, you know what you want and you will push yourself to accomplish it.
- Let others know of your new goals. By sharing it, you start to make your future achievements real.
- Plan a time frame
- By planning out your deadline for your goals, you will be able to measure your success and it will also help motivate you to reach your short and long term goals.
- Don’t give up!
- This is the most important tip of all. Always strive to want to do better. These achievements are under your control. Your actions will dictate the outcome you want to achieve.
What are you expecting to do in Healthcare IT this year? We would like to hear your opinion on the market. Please write to us to discuss.
If you have any interest in finding your Epic role, please contact us at with your updated resume.
For a more precise match on contract or FTE roles, feel free to access our jobs page here. Or call Stephanie on (714) 316-1840 for an immediate response.
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